A Millennial’s Poetic Interpretation
Scripture and Liturgy renewed for these times…

Guiding Principles of AMPI
To lift up the most cherished – and difficult – of our sacred texts, mining the Mystery to reveal “what else could this mean?”
All of G-d’s children are equally worthy of communicating with and seeing themselves reflected in the Image of the Divine.
Sacred texts are meant to be engaged with in a personal and psycho-spiritually intimate manner.
The various faces of “evil” in our sacred texts are archetypal energies - that we would all be better off without.
Every name tells a story.
The Divine is calling us to be WOWed!
Psalms: A Millennial’s Poetic Interpretation is a complete English translation of the Book of Psalms, and the first published work of the AMPI series! This translation is deeply rooted in the original Hebrew text and passionately renewed to meet the unique needs of our time. Gendered references to the Divine and the one communicating with the Divine are eliminated, and “evil” is conceptualized as various forms of shadow energy and inner struggle. An introduction chapter and glossary help readers of all backgrounds and stages of life to enter the world of “A Millennial’s Poetic Interpretation,” where possibilities are expanded and every word holds the potential to unlock a piece of the Great Mystery holding us all.
cover art by Joanne Fink
Do you have a a favorite text? Or one that makes your skin crawl? I’d love to help breathe new life into whatever sacred words you are wrestling with. Whether it’s a verse or an entire prayer or book of the Bible, I will meet with you and craft a personalized Millennial’s Poetic Interpretation that speaks to this unique moment of your journey.
Other AMPI Projects
Translations of Proverbs, Lamentations, and prayerbooks for Weekday and Shabbat Services are well underway. Check back for updates on upcoming publications and sharings of these and other AMPI works.
Don’t want to wait? Contact me today for exclusive availability of select sections of in progress projects.